
Người hướng dẫn: Anonymous

Trình độ: Kỹ sư

Lượt xem:2718

Ngày đăng:03/02/2015

6. Timing, Animation and Importing

Nội dung video

In this video we take a look at how to succesfully import models, textures, materials and animation into Unity from programs like Maya, 3DS Max, Wings3D, Cinema 4D, Blender and Cheetah3D. Also we revamp the melee system to allow for function (in this case dammage) delays :)

Nội dung Video

In this video we take a look at how to succesfully import models, textures, materials and animation into Unity from programs like Maya, 3DS Max, Wings3D, Cinema 4D, Blender and Cheetah3D. Also we revamp the melee system to allow for function (in this case dammage) delays :)

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